Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Thread

A new thread has been started so that folks don't have to scroll down so much.

Comment away...


  1. Something not CO/bankruptcy related, but I thought this was the right place to start...

    I'm looking to sell my washer and dryer. I bought the model recommended by the building when I moved in a little less than 2 years ago - the Bosch Axxis front-loading washer and condensation dryer. Have been happy with both the washer and dryer, and have had no issues with either appliance - just need to sell because I'm moving.

    Paid over $1500 at the time in total (including the stacking kit), but will sell both and the stacking kit for $500. If it's in the building, I'll even help move the washer and dryer.

    Please contact me at if you're interested or have any questions, and feel free to pass this along.

  2. Well OK, the threshold has been crossed. This is the drug dealer, assassin architect blogging... I think I am similar to others in the building...let's not let our emotional, practical, direct connection to our situation in this building slip away. The real situation we face is exceptional, especially compared to the rent we fork over. The people who have set up this blog and organized the tenant meeting last week have made a real effort to make a commitment to our quality of life at 133 Water so let's not let the situation dissipate. I have once again paid half rent and included a letter describing what the landlord must commit to for the tenants in this building. Good luck to all...

  3. To Gym and Playroom users:
    Hi there,
    Though this is not a serious matter, it would be greatly appreciated if people would put the weights back in the weight rack when through and any other equipment that is used back out of the way and not in the middle of the gym.

    Also, if parents and babysitters could please keep their children in the playroom and not let them wander around the gym especially when people are working out.

    A couple of weeks ago there were toys and bits of chalk and broken crayons in the gym. There was also one of the knobs from the gym equipment in the center of the pile. I don't understand who would let their child take apart equipment and leave such a mess.

  4. I totally agree with the above comment about the gym. Seriously, if you use equipment, just put it back.

    Also, allowing kids to roam through the gym while people are working out is dangerous. No one wants to see a kid get hurt, so keep them in the playroom and not on the gym floor.


  6. I am all for publicizing this situation if it means that management will start behaving appropriately. However, I strongly object to the inclusion of this blog's address in the article at: This blog is for residents and includes issues that should not be publicized, such as us not having doormen at certain points. Security is still important. I will no longer be contributing. Please post a notice in the lobby if we are having another meeting.

  7. I'm sorry. I see the talk has now turned to the gym. But, getting back to our building and the serious issues that are happening, I simply want to say that, I really enjoy this building! I am not experiencing any major problems with my apartment (I understand the serious frustration of those that are). This is a beautiful nieghborhood! The galleries, bridges, parks and views of Manhattan!!I think our building has two wonderful doormen. Rafael is so pleasent and helpful and Rodger is also so pleasent and engaging. They are good people! On the blog at, someone was saying that our building is and always will be a disater. Yes, there are serious problems (co)but this building is in a very lovely spot! The park and bridges, right around the corner! The guy who put all this together(owner) has really screwed up. His decisions have affected alot of peoples lifes. Shame on him and I hope he will choose to do all he can to make right what he has made so wrong. This nieghborhood is one of the very best in NYC! If you appreciate the arts (all kinds...) living on the water and taking in the beauty of skylines and bridges... 133 water street in DUMBO Brooklyn NY is a great place to be!

  8. Did anyone else hear about the bum sleeping in the stairwell on the 8th floor of our building?

  9. Jihane---News12 BrooklynApril 10, 2009 at 2:05 AM




  10. Regarding the bum-yes. Roger stated that yesterday morning, he found an ill-washed, incoherent guy sleeping in the stairwell off the eighth floor. Very unsettling at least to think how he entered the building.

  11. As to how the homeless person got in the building- residents are careless and leave the door open as they exit the building thru the stairwell( it does not close well and you must check that it closes fully) i would assume this is how he got in- unless he knows the code or has a swipe key-it is a terrible situation BUT of course maybe he will sue management for a problem w/carbon monoxide- only joking---
    It is very scary to think you could meet up with someone in the hallway or stairs!
    Does anyone know what happened to the Housing citation that was posted in the lobby- it appears to have been removed yesterday? I am now having a constant backwash of sediment in my toilets- it is clear that we must be showering in water with some sort of dirt in it also. Anyone else having this issue?

  12. **NEWS12 BROOKLYN**




  13. My understanding is that Roger removed the citation. As for the bum, when the story was relayed to me, the bum said that someone buzzed him in. Now there are a number of concerns here. First, the buzzing in of people you don't know. If you turn your TV to 999, you can view the vestibule and see who is trying to get in. Second, once you enter the second door, it does not automatically lock since the interior sensor picks up your movement and unlocks the door. So even if you are diligent in closing the door behind you, it doesn't matter. It will unlock automatically. This especially concerns me since should I find myself being following to the building entrance, that second set of doors isn't going to provide me any protection. I know Roger has brought this to the attention of the management company and I really appreciate him doing that. I suppose it will get added to the list.

  14. Has anyone noticed that the heat in the common areas seems to have been turned off? The hallways, especially, are freezing.

  15. We've had our Kiddie Meter for about 10 days and have consistently seen a 0 reading with a 0 peak. We're on the 7th floor towards the east side of the building.

  16. Is there a tenent's meeting tonight?

  17. its 645 pm on 4/13. If there is a meeeting I'd like to know.

  18. for anyone interested,m we did not pay rent for April and instead sent a letter from our attorney explaining our rent will be placed into escrow until issues are resolved.

    at this time there has not been a response from management.

    Also in our april invoice they indicated that there will be a new management company. I am curious to know if this is going to be the same people under a different coropration or is GE capital hiring a management company.

    any suggestions on how we can determine the answer?

  19. Yikes, it looks like the thread has been lost? We assumed the meeting on 4/13 was at the same time as the last, 9pm. I am headed to the lobby now to check, but I see no notices or further interest.

    The bum was found by us.

    We have withheld some April rent.

    I like it here too but still... we pay alot of rent. The CO issue is serious, the toilets not functioning is a pain, the lack of insulation is crucial and should not be ignored, even if I think the view is nice.

  20. I just came back from the lobby and it seems I must have missed the meeting if it was elsewhere and at a different time than the last. I did not see any posters this time so I don't know. Or it could have been called off. I'd be happy if someone would let me know, thanks.

    In the meantime here's my pitch...

    The CO issue remains unresolved since the chimney at least has not been redesigned. The FDNY stated this was the problem and all that has happened is that the boiler has been turned off. It will eventually get turned on again and the problem will return. The building must provide a third party inspection and provide in writing what will happen. Someone may get sick (or a small one might die) or otherwise.

    There remains a serious insulation problem in many of the apartments. This is partly why the corridors are so cold. There is an extreme temperature differential in many of the apartments between the living and sleeping areas. The landlord should provide a clear explanation as to what is planned to be done to fix this or they should reduce the rent.

    Many of the toilets do not function or leak. This not only wastes water but is well below the standard for the rent we pay.

    Finally, it is likely the building will be taken over by a new entity and there is a good chance that they may want to sell the properties. Your lease, if it is like mine, allows them to remove you from the apartments with only 30 days notice.

    I said above that we found the bum. I didn't mean to be negative to the person, perhaps homeless is a better word. I personally don't have a problem with someone needing to find a dry place to sleep but there are other concerns. Another building on Water Street recently had a robbery where the thieves came in through the front lobby and broke into an apartment and forced the owner to provide goods and money. This was in the Brooklyn Blotter last week. This is the issue more than the homeless person sleeping in the stair.

    I hope we manage to pressure the landlord to take care of the building.

    Yes I have issues with the gym, etc... but the state of the building is pretty important.

  21. We spoke too soon. We're the apartment on the 7th floor that had only seen 0 readings. Today, we woke up to a peak level of 13. Not as high as some apartments, but definitely a presence of CO.

    As far as I know, we're also the first apartment towards the east side of the building (i.e., not near the chimney) to report a presence of CO.

    We took a picture of our meter reading. If anyone is collecting them, please let us know and we'd be happy to email it.

  22. are there still any apartments for rent in the building?

  23. When is our next meeting? Any word on the Court proceedings?

  24. Can we borrow someone's CO meter? We're on the 3rd floor and have a toddler. Please let me know. Thanks!

  25. The fire dept was here tonight. CO problem?

  26. any new apartment vacancies?

  27. Why was the fire dept. here? Anyone know?

  28. Anyone who knows, please post why the FDNY was here last night - thanks!

  29. I M P O R T A N T

    From Mr. Chris D'Andrea, Director of Environmental Investigations, NYC Department of Health


    I'm the Director of Environmental Investigations. I am
    sorry to hear that a response was so slow regarding what can be a
    life-threatening issue.

    I would like to have one of our inspectors visit the building as soon as possible and would prefer to visit an apartment(s) that have recently registered an elevated carbon monoxide (CO) level.

    Please contact me at 212-442-6946. If I am not available please call our main line at 212-442-3372 and speak with Inspector Stallbohm to schedule a visit with us.

    If elevated levels are detected in the building at any time, FDNY should be called immediately.

    Christopher D'Andrea, MS, CIH
    New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
    253 Broadway, Room 402 CN-34C
    New York, NY 10007

    Phone (212) 788-4290
    Fax (212) 788-4299

  30. are there any apartment vacancies?

  31. is there any reason why Roger should be away from his duties as a doorman (a service we pay for) for periods of time to show prospective tenants vacant apartments? what a joke this entire building has turned into. no standards have been set by management and as a result, the inmates are running the asylum...

  32. What apartments was he showing?

  33. Fellow tenants, let's focus on what is most important right now. Has anyone who has recorded elevated CO levels in their apartment contacted the person who wrote earlier? (Mr.Christopher D'Andrea, MS, CIH New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene). If so, please let us know the results of his visit.
    Thank you.

  34. To my "fellow tenants" friend at 8:09am. While I think we all agree that the CO issue is the most important issue facing the tenants of this building, this blog was created to air all issues that are facing those of us that live here. It's not your place to be the arbiter of what is and what isn't important for those of us that live here. If the only thing you're interested in discussing is the CO problem, then by all means, feel free to create another thread solely dedicated to that. Otherwise, let the other tenants raise what is important to them and feel free to skip over those comments that are not relevant to you. Thanks.

  35. I would like to ask those who are tossing cigarette butts and coffee and other things over their balcony to please stop. It's landing on ours.

  36. I'd like to commend whoever was having the party on their terrace last night. While the music was a bit loud earlier in the night, you packed it up at a decent time so as not to prevent those around you from being able to sleep. Thank you for doing that. I've lived too many other places where people kept it going til 4 in the morning, and there's nothing worse than trying to sleep through that.

  37. does anyone know how many units are still available?

  38. Thank you for the clarification "April 17 9:49PM". I really did think this blog was mainly for the CO problem. Since it will also include every little issue that arises in all buildings in NY, then maybe it is best for a separate CO thread to be added.

  39. I agree with April 17th 9:49PM. The person who seems to have a problem with addressing other issues concerning the building needs to stop belittling other people's concerns.

  40. Did anyone else's AC stop working today (Sunday)?

  41. Yes-ours stopped.

  42. The AC/Heat units are only air handlers - They will heat during the winter months and once the main system is switched over, cool during the summer months. The system hasn't been switched over to cooling yet. So if you tried lowering your thermostat now to cool, it won't work until the system is switched over to the "summer" setting. NYC rules require landlords to provide heat from Oct 1 - May 31.

  43. ... mine's working.

  44. i am moving out... enough is enough... wishing all my 133 co-tenants the best...

  45. does anyone happen to have the e-mail address for this new manager, Joe? Thanks.

  46. Everyone should be aware that the front door no longer locks at all.

    also now our floors are seperating.

  47. Dear Tenants:

    I am Avrum Rosen, Chapter 11 counsel to your Landlord. I would like to advise you of the current status of the case and advise you of certain developments. I would also like to offer to meet with the tenants as a whole to answer your questions and address some of your concerns. I have read the Blog and have communicated with some of you individually prior to this entry.

    At the beginning of the case, there was a delay in obtaining the use of what is called "cash collateral" under the bankruptcy code. We could not use that money on hand prior to obtaining the Lenders' consent and a court order. This caused the initial disruption in service. Once that order was entered, normal payments resumed according to an approved budget, with most of the net income being paid to the Lenders on a monthly basis.

    The Lenders would not consent to the existing management company being paid for its services because it was affiliated with the owner. As a result, the Debtor obtained the present management company to take over the day to day operatins of the building. That is the reason for that change and for the delay in the billing. The billing will be overseen by a new financial advisor, but the rent is still payable to the Landlord.

    The carbon monoxide issue is a major concern of the Debtor. As the blog confirmed, the problem was the adjacent smokestack. The City has shut it down. Through discovery obtained from one of the Lenders, the Debtor has learned that the owner of the building with the offending smokestack made overtures to buy the Lender's mortgage in late February, 2009. I know many of you download the pleadings in this case, and a full explanation is contained in our most recent papers. Thereafter, the smokestack, which had not been active before was put into use. The Debtor is filing a motion in the Bankruptcy Court to obtain discovery from that landlord to ascertain exactly what happened here. The Debtor will continue to take all steps necessary to make sure that the smokestack is not put into use, and has been advised that the smokestack is scheduled for demolition. We will keep you advised of developments in this matter.

    Many of you have expressed concern that the Landlord did not have a separately segregated Tenant Security Deposit Account. Any security deposit that has ever been due has been returned or credited. The Landlord has opened a designated Tenant Secuity Account at HSBC Bank and the Debtor's principal has deposited $30,000.00 into that account and will continue to deposit the same amount each month until it is fully funded. That provides more than enough funds for any leases terminating in the next few months.

    This brings me to the issue of those of you who are witholding rents. This property is supported by the rents. Without those rents, there are no monies for services. Your obligations to pay rents are not subject to offset. The Landlord has reached a consensual resolution of the use of "cash collateral" with the Lenders for the next 90 days. It is based upon the rents being paid. If the rents are paid there are sufficient funds to operate the building. There is now no reason to withold rent. All late rent through the end of April can be paid, without penatly or late charge, by May 10, 2009. On May 11, 2009 legal proceedings, either in Landlord/Tenant Court or in the Bankruptcy Court, will be commenced against anyone who is not current. The Landlord will then pursue all remedies available to it under the law.

    The Landlord is presently negotiating a plan of reorganization with the Lenders and other creditors. One possible proposal concerns offering the units for sale to tenants at insider prices, with pre-approved attractive financing and, pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code, no transfer taxes or Mortgage Recording Taxes. This will be offered, if it does end up happening, only to Tenants in good standing as of the May 10, 2009 date. If this comes to pass, it will be presented as part of a proposed Court approved Disclosure Statement.

    Please feel free to contact me concerning these issues. Life is hectic these days, so it may take a day or two for me to respond. Please do not send me building complaints. While I am pretty handy, in this matter I am the atorney. If you are represented by counsel, and a few of you are, please forward this to your attorney and have that attorney contact me. Thank you.

  48. The smokestack WAS active before February 2009. In fact, that smokestack has been active since at least late January 2008. And it was the landlord's responsibility to extend that smokestack before occupying this building. Please do not forget that.

  49. How many vacant apartments are there in the building? Which ones are vacant?

  50. Would anyone currently living here really buy? I mean, I know the price might be great but what about all the problems the building is having? The lack of insulation in living areas, the CO issues, the toilet issues, the water problems, usage of cheap materials, the broken front door, etc. I feel like the building is falling apart. And who would run the building if some of the units were bought? The current management company? I've called numerous times and they have never answered the phone! I'm so tired of this building and all of its problems. This is so far from "luxury living." I'm paying too much for this crap and can't wait to get out.

  51. ... I more-than-agree! o not believe one word from that lying unresponsive, unethical lawyer Most important, the chimney has been operational at least since I moved in the summer of 2007 and, according to tenants in that building, forever beforehand. Further, the owners/managers were served a month ago with a Class 2 DOB violation for not having extended the chimney above our roof line BEFORE building occupancy -- and they still have not (and if the boiler is turned on again, toxic CO levels will immediately follow). Further further, they refused to do anything, even acknowledge, the CO for months and months- it was the FDNY who shut down the chimney.

  52. Stop taking newspapers from downstairs if you haven't paid for the delivery. Even if it is there in the late afternoon or evening...leave it. It is not yours. That is called stealing!

  53. What kind of attorney communicates to the tenants through a blog? This certainly can not be considered an acceptable form of communication for legal issues to be communicated through.


    Lastly I saw a bunch of people in the elevator yesterday, did I miss a meeting? should we have another?

  54. Got home this afternoon and found that one of the doors leading into the lobby is completely destroyed. I think some moving company broke it. I'm a bit disturbed by the possible lack of security. Hopefully, they'll get a replacement immediately. We already had a homeless person get into the building and now anyone can get in because the door is gone.

  55. It's absolutely brilliant posting security issues on a public web site for the world to see. While I understand the concern, posting them here is not in anyone's best interest.

  56. Valid point. i apologize. No need for concern at least. Raphael is here and the door is getting installed within the hour.

  57. Thank you for the update. Glad to hear the door is getting fixed. Comment #57, I think you could have said that without the sarcasm. We're all just trying to help each other out here. No need to be so snooty about it.

  58. Is anyone else concerned about the attorneys comments above? His letter indicates that we are expected to resume paying rent with no discount on the current rent and no offer of good faith as a result of the issues we continue to experience? This is unfair and should be unacceptable to each and every tenant.

    He goes on to claim that they are unable to maintain the building properly because of the lack of rent payments. Well what about prior to February or April? The building management never maintained the building properly even prior to bankruptcy. These issues are not just going to be resolved on their own. We have not heard from the new management company. We not seen any attempt to resolve any issues. The situation continues to erode. They continue to deny there are issues with the floors and the insulation.

    We must do something as a group. anyone?

  59. A G R E E completely!

  60. Is it true the people are no longer registering CO levels since the smokestack has been shut off?

  61. Let’s say it the way it is. This is NOT a “luxury” building. With all the “structural” problems, the bankruptcy and all the concerns it has brought, the room we call a “gym”, it is all laughable. It is laughable because of the very high rents that we pay. If anyone is looking for a true Luxury apartment, let us suggest somewhere in Manhattan or perhaps Gold Street or Manhattan’s Wall Street area. There are plenty of high quality Luxury buildings, for the rent we are paying here. If that is what you want, the cards say … go and look, you will find. Perhaps the new owners of this building might have the vision and / or insight to open this building to the foundation and roots of this neighborhood and community that live and work here. Would it not be a wonderful thing if this 133 Water Street in Dumbo, NYC could become a haven and a home for the artists, writers, poets and musicians of the day. A very livable building snuggled beside the Manhattan Bridge, with all the noise, dirt and stray “trash” from the bridge above. An extension of the Envelope building across the street, which is a breeding ground of creativity and cultural progress. The “unusable” terraces along the side of the building could become an artists studio and space of inspiration. It is a beautiful area with so much potential. Let it NOT become a Brooklyn Tribeca. Let us hope it can maintain a breeding ground for the creative’s of our neighborhood. This building is ideal for this idea. To the owners I say … SELL, SELL, SELL … for they will buy, buy, buy. Peace to all.

  62. After reading that last post, I'm worried the CO2 is back...

  63. So, artists should live in a crappy apartment building that is falling apart? They should use the terraces as their artist studios and places of inspiration? The same terraces next to the chimney that was pumping out carbon monoxide? I'm sorry, but I have to ask . . . do you hate artists?

  64. Oh come on... all I'm saying is that if your looking to live in a "Luxury" building, this is not the place. Being an artist myself (I don't hate me), I think this is a wonderful place to be creative.

  65. Can someone post a note in the lobby if there's another resident's meeting? I'd attend.

  66. Luxury or not is irrelvant. all of the tenants in the bulding deserve to be provided with insulated walls, properly functioning thermosats, floors that do not come apart, clean windows, and proper, adequet and timely responses to issues in the bulding that arise from time to time.

    The new building management company is one man? can we all assume he was hired by the current owners?

    Since my last post I have only one other person who agrees with me. is there anyone else?

  67. I actually enjoy living in the building. The neighbors are all very friendly. The doormen are both helpful and engaging. I've suffered no majors problems with the apartment in nearly 2 yrs. Occasional a/c issues but fixed quickly.

    Gripes would be that the windows should be cleaned and the drafty balcony doors should be better sealed. The 'luxury' facilities are sub-par for the rent we pay but there's no incentive for the management company to improve the quality of the gym or the communal areas under their current financial strains.

    Can we realistically meet as a group and put forth a list of critical requirements for the safe occupation of the building? The CO discussions are worrying with a toddler in the apt.

  68. I agree with the comments above: nice community but multiple structural / functional building issues.

    I would, however, place far greater emphasis on the carbon monoxide issues. It is clear that A L L tenants have been exposed to chronic CO (levels unknown and uncertain, effects likely greater on youngsters than adults) since occupancy of the building because of the boiler and chimney next door and the owners illegally not extending the chimney prior to occupying the building (DOB violation). (The CO both comes directly from the chimney or admixes with the master ventilation above 12 and distributes when your HVAC is turned on.)

    It is appalling at best and certainly criminal that the chimney has yet to be worked on at all let alone extended and finished, CO could permeate the building / apartments in an instant. (It is unclear the sources of the random high CO levels on the other side of the building after the chimney was shut down.)

    For those interested, here are two broad references on carbon monoxide and sequela:

    Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, New England Journal of Medicine, 360:1217-25, March 19, 2009

    Carbon monoxide poisoning in Jerusalem: epidemiology and risk factors, Clinical Toxicology, 47:137-41, #2, 2009

  69. I M P O R T A N T

    GE Capital -- first building mortgage holder -- knows NOTHING of any potential agreement to sell units to tentants let alone at "insider"pricing with financing.

    What a lying douche bag the owner's lawyer is!

  70. Can someone please confirm that they are registering CO levels above normal since the boiler next door has been shut?

    I live a floor above 9 and have never picked up any readings above the occasional 5-10 PPM when cooking and having the windows closed.

  71. There are a number of important issues at hand here that should be discussed by the building as a whole. Whether or not you have specifically had issues with living in these apartments, ALL residents should show solidarity and concern for the other tenants many of whom have had horrendous incidents occur (entire apartments flooding, CO at lethal levels, consecutive days without hot water or any water at all, these are just off the top of my head that I know about). The point is, another meeting is required to sort this all through, especially since the building's so-called attorney is threatening to sue everyone for past due rent. A response time of only 5 days between receipt of the letter and legal action is outrageously short and shows the utter distaste the owners have for us, the tenants. I strongly believe we as the building tenants should meet before this deadline and discuss a course of action as a group, whether you are involved with these issues or not. The shoddy construction and nature of this building would indicate that even if you haven't had a problem yet, it's inevitable that you will. If there is interest I believe the meeting should be tomorrow evening. Could the original meeting organizers please step forward and spearhead this?

  72. I agree. I think the building should have that meeting and then perhaps we should take the offer to meet with this attorney (as he offered in his letter)as a whole. By meeting first we can clearify our most important concerns.

  73. Swift action starting with a tenants meeting is the way forward.

  74. I agree. We must talk very soon and should post the meeting info on the community board downstairs.

  75. For clarity: What do you guys want to meet about? The carbon monoxide problems appear to be fixed, unless anybody has readings to show otherwise. True the problem can come back, but is that what people are withholding rent on, the possibility of a future problem? What are the other reasons people are withholding rent on? Dirty windows and certain areas of their apartment that don't cool down/heat up faster than other areas? If we're going to have a meeting, it might be smart to draft a complete list of issues to present to the building's management and come up with consequences (such as threatening to move out or withhold rent) if the issues are not addressed.

  76. I am withholding rent based on the following
    1. security deposit status - they claim they have opened an account but there is no account number or other confirmation of this

    2. Temperature control /insulation - no one has provided instruction on how to work the thermostat and we are unable to set it properly. I believe the rooms hold various temperatures and do not stay cool or warm for very long based on lack on proper insulation.

    3. Floors- out floor boards are coming apart and bend and flex as if the floor is going to cave in.

    4. the pain and aggravation suffered as a result of the issues and poor communication surrounding the issues, specifically but not limited to the CO2 deserves some type of compensation.

    None of this has been resolved.

    I dont know if a meetingt tonight is possible, but next week would be great. we need to stand together and continue to withhold rent until we have this meeting.

  77. #5 the windows must be cleaned regularly. I can barely see out my own windows.

  78. Here is the manual for the thermostat. you need to adjust where the air is going you'll need to open or close the vents in the various rooms to compensate. We had too much A/C in our living room so we closed off some of the vents which forces more air into the bedrooms and cools all the rooms more evenly.

    Your floors aren't going to cave in, there are concrete floors with engineered wood flooring on top (with a possible subflooring. It is the wood flooring and possibly the subflooring that is flexing. Without ripping it all up, not much that can be done.

  79. Apparently, Roger was told by the company that employs him to NOT report to the front desk @133 Water tomorrow morning. Something about billing issues..

  80. Update--Roger has been told to report to the front desk tomorrow morning for now..

  81. OK, so the new management company appears to have called a tenant's meeting on their own. I reserve my judgment on the new management comapny but they appear, at the very least, not to be disinterested family hacks along the previous lines.
    So a few thoughts going into the meeting. I agree that we need to appropriately bucket our complaints and go in with some concrete asks.
    1. CO2. This is resolved for now, and that's great. But the smokestack is still, and despite claims that the building "is closed for renovations" I see office lights on in there all the time. They need to PROVE that things will be safe going forward. To me, that means either they build it up to code or a letter from the other buildings owner/tenant they commit not to turn it back on.
    Looking backwards at the months (years?) that residents of the building may have been exposed to toxic carbon levels, I strongly believe that the only reasonable approach is to get a plaintiff's lawyer retained, on a contigent fee basis, to explore our remedies in a tenants class action. It's key that we do this fast, because if the bankruptcy court discharges the building's debt, I think are claims must disappear.
    2. Security deposits. The lawyer tells us that they've put 30k in a fund, which should comfort us because it's enough to cover upcoming tenant departures. But I'm not worried that they're not going to cover return it when I leave, I'm worried that my claim to it will be eliminated in the bankruptcy discharge because they haven't placed the funds in trust AS REQUIRED BY LAW.
    We need assurances that they'll fully fund the security deposits as quickly as possible and place them in a segregated bank account in trust for the tenants. And that they'll ensure that security deposit obligations survive any reorganization.
    3. Building Problems. We all signed leases to pay significant rents on the basis that this was a full-service building. Now, nothing is perfect, and problems happen. I get that. But problems need to be fixed when they happen, and the building simpy hasn't done that. I think we need a joint approach here. First, there are things that can be done with relative ease, and the building should commit to doing them. That includes keeping the doormen, the super, making sure we have all the right contact info, washing the windows, etc. These things (and others that the group can think of) should be put in a list, with a set schedule for routine items, and the management company should commit to them.
    Second, there are other problems that are large and very expensive to fix, such as the dying floorboards and poor insulation. We can ask but I suspect we will get significant push-back in light of the large one-time costs involved.
    I think a fair request here, and indeed as adequate compensation of the many hardships we have all endured over the past 6 months, is that building do the right thing and give a flat 10% percent rent reduction to all current tenants on an up-to-two year basis. They are absolutely unable to raise rents anyhow in the current market, and it would make sense that renters who agreed to re-sign their leases for one or two year terms (and pay back rent, if any) got the discounted rate. This has the added benefit of securing a full one to two year rent roll for the building, which is going to greatly enhance the viability of any debtor reorg plan. We have to remember that we have some real leverage here. If the tenants were to intervene in the bankruptcy proceeding and object to the reorganization plan, noting that it's not remotely viable because (i) everyone here wants to move out and (ii) its going to be hard to re-rent the building given the significant negative press on the space to any prospective googler, I suspect the building is screwed.
    And it should go without saying that the building must put this all in WRITING.

  82. With regard to security deposits . . . everyone should know that the tenants who moved out in the last month have still not received their money back. Repeated attempts to contact the Owner/Management company have been ignored.

  83. Obviously $30k put aside in a non-trust account will not take care of the security deposits for everyone in the building that's about 7-10 people. I'm planning on not paying my last month's rent and applying the security deposit to that payment - in order to make sure I'm not stiffed.

    Also, no way is a 10% rent reduction going to keep me in the building. At 30-40% I would stay. Otherwise I am guarenteed to move out at the end of my lease. Anybody else with similar ideas?

  84. I agree that a 30-40% rent reduction is more appropriate, especially since this is a negotiation and starting there might net a 20-25% reduction which may actually be feasible. The people involved with ownership and management of this people and their representatives have repeatedly proven that they are not to be trusted and therefore we must all act as a group and obtain assurances on all our demands in writing. A meeting before the one with the management company would help with this. What about monday evening?

  85. If there's going to be a tenants meeting on Monday prior to the building management meeting on this Tuesday evening, can someone please post a notice in the lobby regarding the tenants meeting place and time? I went to the very first tenants meeting and have not received any emails regarding additional meetings even though I signed the sheet that was passed around. It would be good if all could be informed if this Monday meeting is going to indeed take place.

  86. I suggest that conversations about negotiations regarding rent reductions not be had on this blog, considering that it is not private. If we meet on Sunday or Monday before the Tuesday meeting, that would be the best place (in my opinion).

  87. Do we still have a leader? Someone has to step forward.

  88. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in the building!

  89. ... especially the owners and their lawyer - what mothers!

  90. Can somebody update me on what happened at the meeting last night? In particular, I heard that there will be no rent reductions, however, was there a date given for fixing the neighboring chimney? how about for cleaning our windows? Was the differential A/C - bad insulation - issue addressed at all?

  91. I don't think that's true about rent reductions. What the attorney said was that they are not authorized to let people out of leases or reduce rents on existing leases. But he also said that the new manager has authority to negotiate leases, so when your lease is up, you could negotiate then.

    The new manager (Joel) said that he was working on finding a window cleaing company.

    The insulation issue was basically blown off by Joel.

  92. (From: Unable to attend)
    What other concerns were raised and did Joel offer any assurance in the meeting?

  93. As mentioned by a previous poster, this is not the forum to discuss sensitive issues as the people involved with the building clearly read the blog. Keep your ear to open and ask people in the building about a private forum to discuss these issues, it's coming shortly.

    In terms of leadership, it seems a few people are emerging (as people who were at this tuesday's meeting probably saw) but none of them have agreed to officially take on this role. This is also probably an issue best discussed in a private forum. Please be patient and those of you who signed up for the email list at the meeting will be contacted. If you were not at the meeting, feel free to ask around the building for information about this forum which should be up and running over the weekend

  94. Hi, I was looking for an apartment in Dumbo and found two units available in this bldg, then just found this blog to my horror!

    Can you pls let me know if CO problem has been completely resolved as of now? Also they're asking for $2600 per month rent for 800 sq ft space, is that reduced rate or existing rate? Any information would be very helpful, I'd appreciate any feedback to anyone still using this blog regarding 133 Water St.


  95. I like the information above how could you manage to find that cool.

  96. Can i get an update on the status in this building? We too are looking for a 2BR in Dumbo and are checking out two units in this building next week. Would love to avoid a potential horror story!

  97. If anyone still uses this blog, please let me know if any of you have noticed that the vents are not functioning properly. I keep getting a strong scent of cigarette smoke in my apt; as well as food cooking. The smells are very strong. Apart from the smoke being unhealthy, I don't want to smell cooking that I cannot eat! This never used to happen. Am I alone? Want to know b4 I complain. Thanks.

  98. You are not alone. I get those strong smells through the vents too..

  99. As do I. Not to mention the constant yapping of small dogs.

  100. I was also about to see apt apt in this building before seeing this blog. Not only does this building seem like a nightmare, but the tenants don't seem any better...

  101. Hello,

    I just visited the building and was assured CO problems are a thing of the past. Is it true?

    Are there still problems with the insulation?

    Should I move there with my husband and toddler or the place is a nightmare?

    Please advice

  102. There are better places to live in Brooklyn. Too many unresolved issues here..

  103. Could you please elaborate?
    What are the issues?
    Thanks very much!

  104. I really love living here and hopefully will get an opportunity to buy a unit. Staff and managaement has been more than great and building has been operating properly. This neighborhood is beautiful.

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