Sunday, May 10, 2009




Bring your own agenda


  1. We will be there. Thank you for stepping up.

  2. Is anyone coming to the meeting tonight? Please respond....

  3. we will be there too. thanks!

  4. We were unable to attend. Can someone share what was discussed?

  5. Was also unable to attend, can anyone share ?

  6. Windows still filthy. Did the lawyer say when management is cleaning them?

  7. It's 5 PM - where is Rafael? anyone know? (desk is cleared)

  8. ********

    Has anyone else noticed how bad the water smells over the last few days (maybe like a whiff of rotting vegetables)?

  9. Has anyone tried negotiating w/ Joel the Manager re: lower rent? If so, any success?

  10. newbie@133WaterStJune 2, 2009 at 5:51 AM

    I'm considering moving into this building, and the laundry list of issues are daunting. Thoughts from the current residents as to what has been done thus far to improve the property would be GREATLY appreciated.

  11. Not much has been done to fix anything thus far. I would seriously consider living elsewhere, unless you can talk them down on their asking price for rent significantly.

  12. Any word about 133 Water's Hearing this past Monday concerning the carbon monoxide issue and the chimney next door?

  13. I have asked the manager - he said he does not know, though if I find out anything, I will post it here.

  14. The building was cited again for failing to raise the chimney on the neighboring building, which suggests that the lawyer, who said they had no obligation to do so until the neighboring building "fixed" its boiler, was, at best, wrong.

    I can't imagine moving into this place with this lingering carbon monoxide threat.

  15. Hello All,

    Im not a current tenant of your building. Instead I am interested on renting...
    I saw an apartment this weekend and we asked the person wh showed it to us about the situation of the building and all the blogs..he said that what has been said is old history and the building doesn't have any problems...Is this true? I have a 2year old and I want the place i'm moving in to be safe for him..also do you find the train to be a problem? I would like to know what are the problems for those who are currently renting?

    Thanks! I would love to have your feedback...

  16. Does anyone else find the mezuzah on the front door of the building i.e. right next to the buzzers inappropriate and/or discriminatory? Does the building allow us to post christian objects in the common building areas as well?

  17. Dear blogger, please email me at your earliest convenience at
    thank you

  18. Not exactly selling like hotcakes around here, huh? A few units have closed, but jeez, the building is deserted. As they say, a fool and his money are soon parted, but when does the soon come in? Guess prospective Dumbo residents aren't as dumb as the 133 jokers thought. Don't miss the next open house! Always a good time!

  19. Does anyone still read this thread? Can you tell me if the building has gotten better for a tenant looking to sign a 2016 lease?
